Running a business is a tough job on the best of days and adding electrical issues to the mix could be the deciding factor between whether your business can ultimately succeed or fail. For most companies it’s a matter of when, not if, some type of electrical malfunction will occur during operations. These gremlins can come in the form of multiple issues, but all share the same effect of grinding production to a halt and seriously affecting business. The best course of action to stay ahead of these problems is to partner with a reputable commercial electrical contractor to ensure your property’s power system is well-maintained and operating at top level. Below are 5 common electrical issues to look out for on commercial properties.
- Lighting malfunctions:
- Circuit Breakers:
- Light Timer Malfunctions:
- Wiring Malfunctions:
- Outlets:
Lighting is an essential component for a business. Effective operations, marketing, and even safety are all achieved in part through functioning lights. Lighting is also a common source of malfunctions to commercial property owners. Common issues such as dimming and/or flickering lights, or altogether lighting failure could be solved with a simple change of a lamp, but could also be the indicator to much larger issues. Luckily, lighting malfunctions are typically the easiest problems to identify when it comes to electrical issues with commercial properties, and once you identify a light is out or flickering, it’s best to call LMS Electrical to investigate.
Circuit breakers are the heart of a property’s electrical system. A working circuit breaker protects your equipment and property from an electrical overload while also providing the necessary power to run your business. Since the Circuit breaker is such a vital component though, malfunctions can range from a weak tripping breaker, to catastrophic circuit overloads. Troubleshooting the issues are not simple. A tripping breaker could be fixed with something as simple as replacing said breaker, but it could also be an indicator to a much more complex malfunction beneath the surface. Circuit overloads may lead to property damage, fires and other safety hazards. Because of this, if you’re experiencing even something as simple as a circuit breaker repeatedly tripping, it’s best to call a professional for a thorough inspection.
Wall-mounted timers replace the standard switch that is used to turn on and off electrical circuits. These devices can be used for many purposes, but the most common use in commercial applications is to automate powering lighting systems. Problems with such timers are abundant as they are comprised of multiple moving parts that could fail over time. Luckily, like common light issues, you’ll be able to identify a problem easily if you notice that the lighting systems aren’t turning on at the pre-programmed times. Problems with timers are caused by defective trippers/switches, incorrect wiring, tripped circuit breakers, a faulty time clock motor, incorrectly set power terminals, rusted springs, insect infestation, loose timer dogs? and the list goes on. If the timer doesn’t appear to be working call LMS Electrical today and we’ll be happy to get to the bottom of it.
It’s not unusual for a property to have a combination of older wiring and newer wiring that was added during various phases of renovations. As wiring gets older, it tends to fail raising the risk for a multitude of complications. Most common among issues, is that the outer coating corrodes exposing part of the metal core within. Once the core is exposed, a myriad of hazards and complications are likely to occur including loss of power, short circuits and even fire hazards. Time alone isn’t the only cause of faulty wiring though. Inexperienced electricians incorrectly installing wiring are just as, if not more dangerous. LMS Electrical employs Journeyman electricians well versed in both installation and inspection of wiring and are only a call away.
Electrical outlets are vital to a successful business. When moving into a commercial space, businesses typically decide upon the layout and location of equipment based on the location of power supply points. Outlets that then prove to be dead or intermittently faulty can bring a business to a complete halt. Reasons for faulty outlets vary but are typically a sign of greater circuit issues. LMS Electricals’ licensed electricians can inspect the office’s electrical works and identify the source of the issue before further damage is caused.
The main source of electrical malfunctions in a commercial property are time and poor maintenance. Be sure to have qualified electricians working alongside your business inspecting, and then in the event of malfunctions, repairing your power systems quickly. The operations and safety of your business depend upon it, so don’t leave anything to chance. If you experience any of the above warning signs, please contact the team at LMS Electrical today at (281) 256-3878.